Fifty years from now I want to be celebrating 63 years of marriage to Danielle. I want to rejoice in my children following Jesus Christ with their whole hearts and lives. I want to see my grandchildren saved and surrendered to Jesus. Fifty years from now I want to offer The Lord over six decades of committed service in the local church. I want rejoice in the kingdom work that God allowed me to participate in and see dozens of people walking closely with The Lord and bearing much fruit because of how He used me to invest in others and faithfully plod along in His service. Fifty years from now I want to look back on a career worked with integrity and purpose, making much of His Name. I want to praise Him for His ongoing provisions and the opportunities invested in world-wide kingdom work through the many resources entrusted to me and a life of sacrificial giving to that end. Fifty years from now I want to echo the words of Paul, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7)
I do not know whether The Lord will grant me another fifty years of life in this world. However, the scenario above is where I want to aim and keep before me. This is what I want to think about in accordance to Philippians 4:8, "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
There are so many temptations and desires present in my life everyday which could easily destroy my fifty year plan. However, keeping it before me daily, including times of temptation, will impact my decisions. With these goals, they should promote placing any necessary safeguards to guard my integrity; they should drive me to a deeper relationship with The Lord through a hunger for His Word and devotion and desperation in prayer. The goals should affect my relationships. The plan should affect how I spend my time, talents, and treasures. These end goals should affect my entire life.
What is your "fifty" year plan?