In my last post, I’m No Rock Star, I addressed the
popular yet disillusioning notion that in order to
live a meaningful Christian
life, one must go to extremes; implying that to live quietly in suburbia while
working at a secular vocation is second-rate Christianity. I received much
feedback from readers stating that they often wrestle with these thoughts and feelings.
Today I want to look at eight core components which I believe are required to
live an intentional and fulfilling “ordinary” life in Christ for those not
called to the ends of the earth, the inner-city, or a life of near poverty as
made popular in evangelical Christianity today.
Commitment to the local church through
membership. In a society where commitment is fleeting, commitment
through membership in the local church is key for several reasons:
To promote accountability with other Christians
and church leadership to live in accordance with Scripture
To know and be known by each other, to encourage
one another, and to do good for each other
To let others know your intention to commit in
attendance, giving, prayer, and service
Active and regular service within the body
of Christ. The duties and ministry of the church is not reserved for
the “paid professionals” (Ephesians 4:11-12), but rather all believers in the
local assembly who have been individually gifted for the Lord’s work. Lay
involvement is not inferior to those in full time paid vocational ministry
Giving tithes and offerings. I have
read past studies which revealed that only 3-5% of Christians tithe. Tithing
10% of our income to the local church is an act of worship and stewardship
which promotes the Lord’s work. Offerings, above the 10% can be given to
parachurch ministries and/or missionary support. (Malachi 3:10, Matthew6:19-21, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:1-15)
Practicing the “one anothers”. The
one anothers in the New Testament are numerous and include loving, encouraging,
welcoming, comforting, serving, forgiving, doing good, etc. to one another. The
regular practice of these within the context of the local church will strengthen
the body and be a powerful witness to the outside world. (click here for the one anothers)
Engage the world. One cannot shelter
within the walls of the church. Christ-followers are ambassadors for Him (2Corinthians 5:18-21). Intentionality in loving neighbors, coworkers,
classmates, and others is essential through building relationships, doing good,
and sharing the good news of the gospel. (Matthew 5:16)
Make disciples. Invest in others,
teach them to follow Christ, challenge them to make their own disciples, thus
creating a ministry of multiplication (Matthew 28:18-20)
Work hard in your place of employment. Diligent
and honest work with the right attitude will be a powerful testimony for Christ
and can provide opportunities to share Christ. Do not minimize the potential
for a secular vocation’s eternal impact! (1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians3:22-4:1, 1 Timothy 6:1-2).
Focused prayer. The disciplines of
personal Bible study and prayer are assumed for the Christ-follower. However,
for the “ordinary Christian”, focused prayer involves intentional prayer for
the local church, the local community, and advancement of the gospel around the
world. Each of the points listed above will contribute to focused prayer
practices. (Colossians 4:2)
I am convinced that the “ordinary
Christian” living an “ordinary life” will have a powerful eternal impact through
the furthering of His kingdom when Christ is followed obediently,
whole-heartedly, intentionally, and diligently. The unreached people groups around
the globe need salvation found only in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) and the people
in the inner-city need Christ; but so do our neighbors, coworkers and
classmates- let us not neglect them in pursuit of “rock star” status. May the
Lord bring joy and fulfillment in your service to Him, in whatever capacity He
calls you.
As always, I welcome thoughts and comments.
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