Thursday, August 22, 2013

Never Give In

On October 29, 1941 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was asked to give a speech at his alma mater. The 65 year old man rose and went to the podium as everyone present fixed their attention to this great leader. Then, Mr. Churchill began to speak, accented with his well-known lisp, saying “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." The great statesman continued for a few more minutes before returning to his seat.

Powerful words for a nation at war, powerful words for us as followers of Jesus Christ in the church today.

 Are you discouraged by the rampant wickedness in our society such as abortion, sexual immorality, and violence? Do you wonder what impact one “insignificant” person like you can make in such a dark society? Never give in

Is the person who you have prayed for years still hostile to the gospel, causing you to ask what’s the point of praying for them? Never give in.

Are your relationships crumbling and you want to throw in the towel? Never give in.

Is the person you are discipling not growing at the rate you had anticipated? Never give in.

Does a certain besetting sin continue to plague you regularly as you grow weary from fighting? Never give in.

Do you daily devotional times seem drab and dull? Never give in.

The Apostle Paul said “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Day by day we must press on- keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). It will be worth it in the end!

After British defeats in World War 2, Churchill looked ahead to victory, stating “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'” We fight for an eternal kingdom with millions of souls in the balance between heaven and hell. May the times of perseverance be our finest hours for the Glory of Jesus Christ.

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